Richard Walters, M.A.

I am a licensed psychotherapist and have been in practice in Bellevue since 1995. 

I work with children, adolescents and adults of all experiences and backgrounds. When working with children, I meet with their parents as well.  

Part of our work together is to understand how the distress started, its current symptoms, and healthy options for relief.  For some patients, meeting to talk one to three times per week in psychoanalytic psychotherapy is the right plan.     Other people prefer psychoanalysis which is a more in-depth direction.  For that we meet four or five times each week.   

For payment,  if you will be asking me to bill your health insurance, we can figure out your payment options during our first phone call.  I am in-network with Premera and other companies, but not all. 

My office policies and insurance forms are attached below. They explain more about our work together.  Before your first visit, please print a copy of each, read them, and bring signed copies to our first meeting.

Office Policies Form - Insurance Authorization Form